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Tara Bründl

"Icy Moons Exospheres"

Enceladus, an icy moon of Saturn, has a liquid water ocean under a kilometres-thick layer of ice. The ocean under the ice escapes through geysers. At the same time, energy-rich (light) particles from the magnetosphere of Saturn and from the sun collide with the icy surface. As a result of both processes, a thin exosphere arises in which complex organic molecules are found. The researchers will simulate these processes at the laboratory scale in a wind tunnel and with cryogenic ice setups. The research will provide information about how much mass an icy moon can lose and how the chemical composition of an exosphere is correlated with the special structure of such a moon, but also of icy moons around exoplanets. Ultimately, we want to understand the relationship between oceans, geysers and the atmosphere of icy moons because this is also important for missions such as Cassini, JUICE and Europa Clipper. ( Credits)

For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight,
and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world

Oscar Wilde

About me

Delft University of Technology / Leiden University

MSc Physics; Astrophysics (Edinburgh)

Favorite planet: Saturn

Favorite moon: Enceladus

My Project