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Elina Kleisioti

"Finding Exomoons"

Besides our moon, there are more than 200 known moons in the solar system. Moons around other planets, so-called exomoons, have so far been discovered using indirect detection methods. This project will observe exomoons directly using far-infrared wavelengths and models so that we can study their properties. On Earth, the presence of water is a basic ingredient for life. Deep oceans of liquid water are known to exist under the surface of many of the (icy) moons in our solar system. This makes the study of (exo)moons particularly interesting in the search for conditions for extraterrestrial life. ( Credits)

Do you stop believing in the moon just because the sun comes up?

Jack Frost

About me

Delft University of Technology / Leiden University

MSc Space Science and Engineering (London) / MSc Engineering (Athens)

Favorite planet: Saturn

Favorite moon: Io