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Mark Oosterloo

"Tracing molecules from from Disks to Planetesimals"

Hydrogen (H), carbon (C), oxygen (O) and sulphur (S) are essential elements for life on Earth. More knowledge about the path these elements follow, from the formation of a dust or gas disc around a star to the formation of planets, is necessary to predict on which exoplanets life could evolve. The researchers will combine models of chemical reactions in dust and gas discs with experiments in which the formation of small planets will be simulated so that the quantity and spread of H, C, O and S in exoplanets can be predicted. ( Credits)

That's no moon

Obi-Wan Kenobi

About me

University of Groningen / Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam

MSc Astronomy (Groningen) / BSc Astronomy (Groningen)

Favorite planet: Venus

Favorite moon: the Moon

My Project

Understanding the effects of planet-forming disk processes on the abundance of life-essential elements in evolved planetesimals