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Christiaan van Buchem

"Surface-Atmosphere interactions"

Some exoplanets are so close to their star that their surface temperature is several thousands of degrees Celcius. At such temperatures, the rocks on the surface partially melt and evaporate. New space telescopes will soon make it possible to analyse the composition of the atmosphere above such glowing surfaces. In this project, we will experimentally determine the connection between the composition of the rocks on the surface of an exoplanet and the composition of the atmosphere above, so that we can determine which fingerprints of specific types of rock should be searched for through these new telescopes. ( Credits)

And from his lava came this song of hope,
That he sang out loud every day for years and years

Lava, Disney Music

About me

Leiden University / Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

MSc Astronomy and Data Science (Leiden) / BSc Astronomy (Leiden)

Favorite planet: Jupiter

Favorite moon: Io