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Joint meeting for early career scientist in the field of (exo)planetary sciences and origin of life studies

Poster PEPSci meeting June 2022
Dear Early-career Researchers,

With the much anticipated arrival of spring and revival of life, we would like to draw your attention to a unique upcoming event - a joint meeting of the Planetary and Exoplanetary Science (PEPSci) network and the Origins Center, which will take place in Utrecht on the 17th of June.

The PEPSci network aims to bring together PhDs and postdocs studying planetary science. We believe this research is cross-disciplinary and want to encourage knowledge exchange and discussion across the various fields. Our aim is to organise regular meetings where we can share our work. The Origins Center is the national interdisciplinary knowledge centre that connects and encourages collaborations among scientists in the research into life, the Earth and the Universe.

We invite you to come share your science during a full day of activities. We will start with a catered lunch, followed by an afternoon of talks, a cultural tour, a borrel and dinner in town in the evening.

As spots are limited, if you intend to join, please send us an abstract to at
If you wish to give a talk, please send us an abstract along with the email.

On behalf of the PEPsci board,
looking forward meeting and seeing you!